40 Over 40 for 2024
Maggie Caldwell

"Your intuition is powerful, and if a job/relationship/advice doesn't feel right, it probably isn't."
AGE: 61
PROFESSION: Writer, photographer, textile artist and creator of MontereyBay.blog
What is the best thing about being your age?
I'm so much more confident than I ever was, and I'm not concerned about what people think of me anymore. I have enough life experience now to know most of the questions to ask instead of thinking I know the answers. And of course, senior discounts at the movie theater and grocery stores!
What's your favorite thing you have checked off your bucket list?
I've had some cool experiences. A few of the favorite things I've done are: Eco-glamping on the sand on the east coast of Molokai'i, exploring beaches that very few people ever see. That was a really memorable, bonding family vacation that's more special because the facility is not there any longer. Bike riding along the wetlands outside of Anchorage and spying a family of moose in the distance. And swimming in the outdoor pool at Hearst Castle. Talk about feeling like a movie star!
What is your idea of perfect happiness?
A long time ago, a friend who had been through a lot watched me playing on the floor with my son and said, "it just doesn't get any better that that, does it?" I think of that so often – after I have a walk with my boys, or a family meal that I probably went overboard to prepare, or watching a beautiful winter sunset on the beach with my dog, or spending an hour on Zoom stitching with an old friend. Sometimes it's sipping that first cup of hot tea in the morning when it's at just the right temperature. For me, perfect happiness is found in recognizing the beauty of the moment.
What is your most treasured possession?
Photographs. Print or digital, beautiful or bad, each one is a cherished memory of mostly long-ago places and times. I love all the old family photos that my dad gathered or took himself, or the snapshots of my boys growing up, the anniversary celebrations that my husband and I have shared - there are so many, and I love them all.
A runner up is the bronze door knocker that my husband designed and commissioned for our second anniversary. It has each of our first names, no last name, with the same sun/heart design as a tattoo that I got before we met. It showed so much creativity and love, and because of that, the sun/heart has become our family crest.
What do you consider your greatest achievement?
Our sons. I helped raise two amazing men, who are kind, thoughtful, smart, and all around good people. I'm so grateful that I have had the opportunity to be their mom and to grow with them. They are by far my greatest achievement, and I honestly think the world is a better place knowing that them and their friends are a part of it.
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
That's a tough one. I feel like changing one thing would trigger a chain reaction that would have led to a different life than the one I have right now. There are times that I wish I would have been more present, or kinder, but I take those regrets as an opportunity to grow as a person.
What is a trait you are most proud of?
I'm a good listener.
What is your greatest extravagance?
Traveling comfortably.
What advice would you give your younger self?
I'd tell teenage Maggie to learn about personal finance and to develop good money habits NOW. To stop worrying about how much you weigh. And to listen to your brother when he tried to coach you on the importance of doing squats!
What is your motto or favorite quote?
"Live your dreams."
We all live such busy lives, so it's easy to push our goals out to "someday." For me, this quote is a reminder to keep those dreams close and carve out a little time every so often in service of those goals.
Words of wisdom to younger women
Stop saying "I'm sorry."
It's true, sunscreen really is your friend.
Above all, know that sometimes you have to just trust your gut. Your intuition is powerful, and if a job/relationship/advice from a doctor/etc doesn't feel right, it probably isn't.
Additional thoughts....
I feel like time is my friend. I have a 32+ year marriage, great relationships with my boys, and lifelong friends. I am reaping the benefits of the time spent with people I love.

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